In addition to making jewelry, I also love gardening. I love seeing the flowers bloom all summer long and playing "tag" with the bees... they are always it, and I NEVER want to be stung. We haven't yet developed that balance between gardener & pollinators... LOL
So this post is just a little aside from the jewelery design... but still fun!
About 2 years ago, I was up at my grandma's house, and she was watering all her indoor plants when a sprout of aloe broke off . She gave it to me saying if I went home and put it in a glass of water, it would root and I could plant it.
So I did.... and so it did! My little 2" sprig of Aloe rooted and I planted it in a beautiful piece of pottery. (The 3rd from the right in the photo below.) It sits in a really sunny window in our kitchen. It had grown so much it was overflowing the pot and had "aloe vines" growing down the side, outside the pot.
So it was time to transplant.... my one little 2" sprig of aloe turned into 4 full size plants, 2 small planters and another full size planter that's up in my bedroom (not in the picture.) Crazy, I know, but I wanted to share with you. Aloe is a heaven sent plant... from cuts to burns, it's amazing for chapped lips and dry skin. I've even used it as a moisturizer on my face before bed.
So here's my after picture of most of my plants. I'll be able to share the wealth now. I have a pot for my siblings, so they too can use the aloe to heal.
Have a green day!