Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Belated Christmas Presents are Good too - Right?

Christmas presents are good anytime of year in my book.

For jewelry artisans... and really artisans in any form of art... the holidays are a really important time of year for business.  Even more so this year, people are paying attention to where the gifts are coming from that they are buying for family, friends and loved ones.  I spoke with several people that were only shopping local or hand-crafted this Christmas.  They are lucky I didn't kiss them right there on the spot because that's how much I appreciate their decisions!

With so much going on in my family this last few months, I had a custom order that I knew wouldn't be done in time for Christmas.  I touched base with the wonderful customer and she was so sweet assuring me it's not a problem at all and the piece would be perfect for Valentine's day.  That's deserving of another kiss right there!

So I have now finished the necklace she ordered.  The stone is a green opal from Africa.  I purchased it at my local bead shop Beadology in Lake Geneva, WI and I was thrilled to be able to design around it.  The colors of green paired with the red brown and terracotta veining is just beautiful.  I put it on a twisted antique brass chain for a soft, vintage look and added a few faceted agates to pull the natural green into the chain.

The necklace is backed with a metallic chocolate lambskin leather... that alone is totally drool-worthy!   Suddenly I'm really excited for Valentine's Day, funny how that works! 

So let's hear... I know you must have gotten something really awesome for Christmas or helped somebody give something really awesome.  I want to hear your story!  I love spreading happiness!

May 2013 bless you and bring you happiness and joy!

Monday, December 10, 2012

What I do when I'm not physically reminding myself to breathe

Upon arriving back to my house last weekend... I looked around.  
  • I saw laundry that could be done - but it could wait.
  • I saw emails that could be read - but they could wait.
  • I saw bills that could be paid - those most definitely waited.

I had a feeling of Christmas - that needed action - massive, immediate action.

I busted out some Christmas music, did about 483 stair laps bring up tubs and tubs, a faux tree, carrying down the regular decor and all the empty tubs to turn my living room into a mini snow globe (without the snow.)  It was the first time I've felt the Christmas spirit this year and figured I better darn well harness it before it scooted out the window without my permission.

I put up our little tree (it's all I could carry up the stairs by myself) decorated it with many of my ornaments given to me throughout my life.  I have always had a fetish with glass... ever since I was a girl.  When my mom would take us ornament shopping to pick out our ornament for the year, I always wanted the most fragile, blown glass pieces.  They looked like icicles, bubbles, mystical orbs... the more fragile the more they called my name.

Crazy Kaleidoscope Lens on the Ipad - imagine the jewelry...
Today my little tree has white lights and all those glass ornaments (and a few wonky, hand-made ones that are still around from when I made them in 8th grade with Mrs. Pappa - and they still smell like gingerbread when I take them out of the box!) all these together made my tree even more special this year.  It was my moment celebrating bits and pieces of what makes up me!

Now I still covet glass... in the form of beads.  I guess it's in my veins!

So here's to finding Christmas Spirit despite the challenging moments and creating Christmas memories that will last forever! 


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Aimless musings from the waiting room

So as I sit these last number of weeks in hospital waiting rooms, my mind has had plenty of time to work (actually working overtime if I were to be honest.)  But in these weeks, hours, days and minutes... I've had some interesting thoughts that I just had to share.

  • I've encountered wonderful, caring people with 7 different predominant types of cancer (brain, breast, prostate, liver, lung, cervical, leukemia)
  • Everybody has a story (I knew this, but I've become a better listener)
  • If you put a race car driver in a parking ramp, would he know what to do (race cars only go left... parking ramps, at least this one, is all right turns)
  • Shouldn't hospitals have cell phone and iPad charging stations for patients and those that drive them to appointments? A wifi printer would be a total dream too...
  • In the name of sanitizing, how many of those little paper disposable cups have I used for my burst o' coffee fix?
  • Art, specifically hand painted murals on waiting room walls really do make a hospital feel warmer - I'm grateful for those talented artists that created them.
  • Living in two homes is challenging... for the rest of my life, I will be grateful to go on vacation, but firmly believe I choose to have only one home. 
  • Waiting... well I'm still working on learning to just BE... planning can be overrated (gasp, did I just say that out loud) but to BE in the moment and cherish every second is what makes memories to last a lifetime.

I thank each and every one of you that took the time to visit my blog during The Challenge of Color Blog Hop.  I will update you as my piece, The Journey continues to grow and eventually be finished.  Your comments, thoughts, prayers and positive energies have been felt from miles and continents away.  My family is filled with gratitude that so many of you care so much. 

From the bottom of our hearts, Thank You so very much!

In the little gift bags are Daily Messages of Hope.  They are paper chains with each link containing inspiration quotes and messages.  They were designed and made by a former patient and her friends.  The bags are free for anyone to take.  They have bags for male & female patients as well as breast cancer specifically.  What a generous donation of time and heart!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Journey - Challenge of Color 2012

Welcome to the Challenge of Color Blog Hop.  I first want to thank Erin Prais-Hintz for her wonderful organization of this event and the encouragement to all of the participants that signed up.  Erin, this challenge always inspires me, but I had no idea just where this would take me when I signed up this year.

This year, Erin partnered with Brandi Hussey to create some amazing color palettes using the theme Earth as Art.  Each of us were assigned two and we can choose whichever one we pleased.  I revealed my two color palettes earlier this month but wasn't going to tell you which one I picked.

While I love purple, eat, sleep and breathe purple... I actually chose the second palette, Empty Quarter featuring shades of grey (not quite fifty) & burgundy.  Can I tell you, when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  In this case Erin was a teacher (literally and figuratively) in my life.  I can't even put into words how grateful I am for that.  This is how I tell the story...

 At the time of sign-up we had just discovered 3 brain tumors in my baby brother (28).  The color of the Brain Tumor Awareness ribbon is Grey.  Secondarily, in September we found out my grandma whom I'm very close with was diagnosed as having Multiple Myeloma - a blood cancer.  She's currently undergoing treatments for that as well.  Is it a coincidence that the Multiple Myeloma Awareness ribbon is Burgandy?

I've been living at my brother's home this month taking him to daily treatments.  What I've been able to help him with, he's given me back in laughter and love.  We're still undergoing treatments and on this journey together.

Therefore... since the journey continues as does my piece.  It's not finished, but I see in my soul the big picture of what it's going to be.

The necklace is featuring many bead embroidered components.  It may be a bib-style necklace when all is said and done or it could morph into a full-blown collar.  The cabochons feature photos of my brother Greg and my grandparents as well as one that says family (those need to be finished).  Both photos were taken at our September birthday party before we knew Greg's brain tumor had returned.
Awareness Ribbon color was added with nail polish!

I've added additional components that also bring in the grey and burgundy/red theme.  I've added some bling and sparkle around various cabochons using sequins (I know my friend Sarah of Saturday Sequins will love that) and a crystal link chain. 

None of the components have been edged or backed yet... so you'll see string and such in the photos.  I also didn't have my usual photo set up (doesn't work when your digital camera USB cable is at home and you're on the road) so my photos have been taken with my phone.

So as this journey continues, my beaded art necklace which was a challenge in color will continue to grow and become more beautiful with each piece of the puzzle in place.

The Journey - bringing awareness to people that have been touched by brain tumors or multiple myeloma!  We all travel The Journey together - arm in arm, heart to heart!

To see all of the rest of the participants, please do visit Erin's blog.  See her inspired designs and the other artisans that are participating in the challenge.  Allow yourself to grow and let YOUR creativity tell your story! 

As we continue treatments with Greg, just know he's in great spirits and takes great pride in making me laugh every day!  It's the best way to fight a tough fight!

Peace & love to you,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends that are celebrating.

If you aren't in the United States, I hope our holiday can remind us all to take a minute to reflect on what we are grateful for. 

This last month has been a roller coaster for my family.  This year, we are especially grateful for each and every morning where we all rise and breathe another day. 

Remember every day is special!  Tell those that you love just how precious they are to you!

From our family to yours,
Love and blessings!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Participating in the Challenge of Color again!

I'm so excited that it's time again for Erin Prais-Hintz (Treasure's Found Blog) Challenge of Color.  In lieu of recent happenings in my world, I'm finding beading to be my peace. 

Last year when I participated in Erin's challenge she gave us great color palettes from Design Seeds to use as inspiration to create something wonderful.  I still get Design Seeds e-mail color palettes everyday and love the ideas and creativity it sparks! 

This year, Erin is working with Brandi Hussey (Brandi Girl Blog) to give us color palettes in the theme Earth as Art!  We were assigned two color palettes and we could choose whichever one we wanted. 

Here were my two choices:

I'm not going to tell you which one I chose until November 30th the day of the blog hop.  I'm not sure if I'll have an entire piece finished by then, but I am taking each bead as therapy in this journey I'm currently on with my family.  Beading is my peace, so let this be called The Challenge of Peaceful Color blog hop!

Hope your week is full of creative inspiration and love!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Beaded Cuff Without a Name is Just a Cuff - or is it?

I'm at a loss for naming this bead embroidered cuff.  I shared it on my Facebook Page yesterday asking for a name.  I received several great suggestions and now I'm asking you to help me choose.  I posted a poll for everybody to vote and the person that submitted the winning name will get something super special that I created.

While I'm not usually one to post sad, emotional stuff on my blog, I feel the need to share the reason for my absence and help to create a network of love and prayer. 

We found out a few weeks ago my baby brother's brain tumor has returned after 8 years of being cancer free.  It also brought friends and they've spread their party to his spine so they could dance on the bar.  The tumors are inoperable so the only course of treatment we have is chemo and tomotherapy (which is a form of radiation that was actually developed at UW Madison where he coincidentally is being treated).

This photo was taken just 3 weeks before THE appointment.
While my baby brother (he's 28 and 6' tall, so yes bigger than me, but still my baby brother) is going through treatments, I am living with him and helping to take him to appointments.  My other two sisters have also been extremely helpful in sharing time with him and giving us each the time to regroup so we can together be strong.

Meanwhile Mama D found out her pacemaker is on it's last tick. She will be having surgery next Wed. to have her pacemaker & leads replaced.  So while I'm running West, my baby sister is running East with Mama D and we're so grateful for cell phones and wifi!

So thus the reason for my absence.  I was just about to put the backing on this cuff when the bottom of our world dropped out and we got the news.  After all, we had 8 years of clean check ups.  Why would this year be any different?

My brain stopped, I went into what I know best - love mode.  I just do what I need to do for my family, I spread love, provide humor to keep people's spirits up and in general try to balance several spinning plates.

We're a long way from the finish line and the future of this journey is beyond uncertain.  We do know one thing though - we have today, and today is a gift.  If we open that gift with excitement each morning we can make a difference to someone each an everyday.

If you'd like to help me name this cuff, I'd appreciate it!  I posted a poll on my Designs by Dawn Marie Facebook Page.  Go over to my page (make sure you like the page) and click on the the name you like best for this design. 

I appreciate all the love and prayers, positive energies and wish you a day full of wonder!
Use your gift to it's fullest!


Credits:  Family Photo by Matt Mason Photography in Lake Geneva, WI
Focal Lampwork Cab by JulsBeads
Ammonite Glass Beads from Lima Beads
Tiger's Eye & Mahogany Obsidian Cabs Fire Mountain Gems and Beads
Rainbow Casilica Square Beadology in Lake Geneva, WI
Beading Foundation - Nicole's Bead Backing by the Beadwright - Nicole Campanella

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beaded Cuff - A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

And yet this cuff needs more than a thousand words!  I created this cuff as a custom order for a client that just lights up the room!  The process of creating a custom order is priceless!

First we jumped on video chat so she could show me the exact outfit she's wearing for a special event.  Then we did measurements where I had her measure the exact size of her wrist with a tape measure so I could make sure it fit perfectly.

We then talked about the length of the necklace she wanted to wear and what her thoughts were that she wanted for these pieces.

There will be a necklace and earrings to complete the set, but they will be much simpler.  The dress is a vibrant geometric pattern in black & white with gold accents.  So the necklace is going to be long, featuring some gold chain, crystals and a few pearls.  In creating with a black/white/gold color scheme... I got the inspiration to add a pop of red.

So I first checked to make sure my client had red shoes to doll up that black & white dress.  Indeed she did because her shoe wardrobe is nearly as awesome as her jewelry wardrobe. ;) So a little pop of red to attract attention and the piece turned out great.

I have to share with you for this piece I used the COOLEST leather to back the cuff that I've ever seen.  It is a metallic gold genuine lambskin.  It is super soft, took a bit to stitch through as it is thicker than Ultrasuede but it really completed the look of luxury I was aiming for when I designed this cuff.

And because I'm a girl of glitter & sparkle, I ordered silver, fuschia and chocolate brown in the same awesome metallic finish!  Here's a link to where I ordered:

In addition, I did all my stitching on Nicole's Bead Backing!  If you haven't used NBB before, it's a stiff felt-like material that provides support for all the beads and objects you are stitching.  PLUS it comes in a whole variety of colors made to compliment your designs.  Beadwright: BEADING DAILY AND NICOLE'S BEADBACKING

 I love working on custom orders.  It makes each piece even more special being able to bring the clients personality into a one-of-a-kind design.  Truly, if you're looking for something really special - something you will pass down as an heirloom - then I'd love to chat with you about my art jewelry. 

Hope your day is filled with sparkle & inspiration!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Silver and Gold - Elegance and Oppulance in Beaded Jewelry

Have you seen it?  The bright shiny yellow gold finishes are all over this fall season and it looks like the trend will continue through the holidays!  It's been a long time since gold has been "in" as silver, antique silver and brass lent themselves to vintage inspired designs in the recent past. 

Recently I was inspired by a tutorial in Beadwork.  I usually flip through the magazine, get inspired and file it away with the rest of my jewelry magazines to take out when I'm having a lull of creativity.  However, I've been following their Beaded Bead series for their 15th anniversary and this one beaded bead popped off the page at me.  I thought what the heck I'd give it a try! 

I tried and I like!!!

I created 3 beaded beads for this necklace using the round beads as the inspiration for the color palette.  The rounds are black with silver and gold foil accents on them, lending perfectly to gold & silver netting for the beaded beads. 

I strung the necklace featuring pewter colored pearls, shiny gold rounds, some black faceted rondelles and a few bold, vintage gold beads for a little more va-voom!  The end result is a necklace that is super versatile, comfortable to wear and adds that splash of bling that I think every woman needs!

What's your "Must Have" in a design?  Is it a go-to color?  Are pearls in nearly all your pieces?  I know I bring Swarovski crystal in anywhere and everywhere I can because I really do thing every woman deserves to sparkle!  Follow me on Facebook for more inspired sparkles!

Hope your week is inspired!

If you like this piece of custom designed artisan jewelry and would like something created just for you (or for someone that means a lot to you) now is the time to begin talking about Christmas gifts.  Drop me a message and we can discuss in more detail what you are looking for!  I just love creating a wearable work of art that perfectly depicts the person wearing it!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Custom Jewelry Order Spreads Happiness around the globe

It's amazing the reach of just one picture and the emotion it spreads.  Recently I finished a custom jewelry order.  What happened after sharing just one little picture shows just how much we can impact and make a difference to others.

The story goes something like this... a woman that knows I make jewelry was heading to a bead show with her friends.  She said if I pick up some beads, can you make me something with them.  Well Absolutely!!! I love bringing in someones personality into a design.

The beads she picked up were a great mix of turquoise, colored magnasite, red coral and some funky lampwork beads.  The colors were such a perfect mix for her vibrant personality I was instantly excited to make something with them.
Large Beaded Bead adapted from Beadwork, Small Beaded Bead adapted from Heather Collin's Anastasia tutorial

After discussing what she likes to wear for jewelry, I set out to make something truly special that showcased her personality to a T!

The necklace is a longggggggg necklace  - 42"-ish.  I wanted to incorporate the beads she selected with some seed bead work of my artisan hand.  I also wanted to make a pair of complimentary earrings because a piece this bold needed some WOW earrings to go along with it.

She received the set yesterday and the follow-up e-mail and voice mail she left me were really, really precious.  I'm thrilled she loved the design as it's what I see in her personality.  She's full of sparkle and shine and truly makes a difference in the lives of all of the people she interacts with!

My jewelry is out of this world! I love it! 
I love the way you write an email your passion oozes through!!!
Your work is so impressive and beautiful!!! I can’t wait to show my mom!
Mary Petersen, Keefe Real Estate, Inc - ABR, SRES,CHMS

So when posting the picture of this set on Google+ imagine my delight as people started responding with "I agree, it makes me happy just looking at it" and "Absolutely uplifting and gorgeous work."  These coming from people locally all the way across the pond to South Africa!  The ripple effect stretches so much further than what we even realize... so my challenge for you today, do something that will make a difference again and again and again!

If you like this piece of custom designed artisan jewelry and would like something created just for you (or for someone that means a lot to you) now is the time to begin talking about Christmas gifts.  Drop me a message and we can discuss in more detail what you are looking for!  I just love creating a wearable work of art that perfectly depicts the person wearing it!
Dawn Doucette, Artisan

Have a terrific day!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sequins are a Girl's OTHER Best Friend

I'm not going to diss diamonds in any way, shape or form because let's face it... they sparkle and they rock!  BUT sequins, they too sparkle and what I've found out is that they really can bring a pop of wow into a design instantly!

Welcome to the reveal for the Sequintastic September blog hop.  Our challenge as set forth by Sarah Sequin herself was to use sequins in a design.  For those of us that have never used sequins before this was a great adventure in exploration!

I created a bead embroidered cuff bracelet featuring a vintage glass button as a focal.  I loved the silver metallic and it played so well with my silver sequins!  The sequins I chose to use as accents in an asymmetrical yet balanced design.  The cuff is beaded starting with a black color palette in the center, then variegating out to greys using marble (the rectangle beads) and finally the very ends are white.  I actually used a clear AB sequin and cut it to line up perfectly with the beading for the final finishing touch!

I've used a fun button as a clasp with a sparkly crystal in the center!  I've had a blast wearing the cuff as it just keeps catching the light and turning heads every time I wear it!  If you'd like a cuff bracelet made just for you, contact me and let's have a discussion about what you're looking for! Each piece I make is one of a kind and made true to the personality of the person that will be wearing it!

So let's keep the party rolling!  Today is National Coffee Day - which is so fitting as I'm celebrating the anniversary of my entrance onto this planet!  How appropriate is that?  Here's to festive parties, cake and lots of sequins!

Please take a moment to stop by and visit Sarah Sequin and these other great sequin artists to see where the inspiration took them!  Sarah, your organization of this event was exceptional.  I had a blast and I'm sure lots of other designers did as well! Thank YOU for putting it together! Have a fantastic day!

Karen W...

Dawn Marie... <-- YOU ARE HERE


Thursday, September 27, 2012

An Amazing Totally Awesome Reveal

Brace yourself for something really... really awesome!  

Saturday we're having the reveal for the Sequintastic September challenge hosted by Sarah over at Saturday Sequins.  If you haven't checked out Saturday Sequins blog before... head over and take a look at her work.  I'll wait, then come back because there's something else wonderful I have to share...

Waiting...  tick, tock, tick, tock...

Glad you made it back!  I was worried you got gobbled up by cyber grizzly panthers.  Those little buggers can be sneaky! ;)

It's rare that I create a piece of beaded jewelry from a tutorial.  It's rare I use a tutorial at all.  I actually look at the books & magazines, love the designers and admire their talent... then go on my merry way doing what I do... ME!

So imagine the bruise on my chin as my jaw dropped when I, myself purchased a tutorial from Heather Collin with the intent to actually make the bracelet!  I know, I was shocked too!!!

I saw Heather's Crossing Over bracelet a while ago.  I loved the curvy layering and Celtic feel to the embellishment and really, really wanted this bracelet.  So I scooped up her tutorial and this weekend made the bracelet.

Now if you saw the necklace I made as a custom order in turquoise and coral last week, you'll know I've been deeply inspired by those colors ever since.  I don't duplicate designs as each piece of jewelry I make is one of a kind.  So when I saw Heather Collin's Crossing Over, I saw the beads still sitting on my tray from that gorgeous necklace and BAM!  It hit me like the first sip of coffee in the morning!

Then I heard the angels sing... and now I have my very own turquoise & coral work of art.

If you like the bracelet and want to pick up your own tutorial (and you should) head over to Heather's Etsy store.  She's got TONS of beautiful tutorials listed in there.   This one is Crossing Over, but I won't limit you to crushing on just one!

**This post is not a paid advertisement.  In fact, Heather has no idea I'm writing this and has probably never even heard of me (until I purchased her tutorial.)  But I have to say, her design inspired me so and the bracelet is sooooo comfy to wear.  It's not meant as your very first beading project if you've never done any beading before, but with some stitch know-how (and patience because lordy, lordy... herringbone with 11s and 15s takes for-EV-er) you too can have a wearable work of art!

Now, don't forget to come to our Sequintastic party on Saturday!  We'll be sporting some bling and showcasing just how sequins can be included in jewelry designs!


P.S. If you'd like a piece of custom made jewelry designed for yourself or to give as a gift, contact me via my website: or on my Designs by Dawn Marie Facebook page:  I'm happy to work with you to make something really special that can be worn countless times and passed down as your legacy to your children or grandchildren!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Creating a Custom Order and getting Christmas Requests

Yes, it's not yet Halloween, but can I tell you how much I love people that plan in advance to give really special gifts for the holidays?  Indeed I have started taking holiday custom orders.  I am honored to create something so special for their loved ones!  Now that's all I'm going to say about that because Shhhhhh, the rest is a secret!

And now for a piece of custom made jewelry I can share...

I was commissioned to design a piece to adorn a particular dress.  I skyped with my client so I could see the dress on her and get a feel for what style would work best with the dress.  Her dress was a vibrant shade of coral - bordering on deep orange depending on the lighting.  It has a deep v-neckline and shiny gold accents!  GOLD... are you seeing it everywhere this season?  I am seeing bright yellow gold making a come back in everything from belts to jewelry and purses.

I was excited to play in the yellow gold world for a first time in a long time!

This neckwire is PERFECT for the V-neckline of the dress... I was so excited to find it the wheels just started turning!  So I used Swarovski crystals in the Padparadascha shade (say that one 10 times fast) along with turquoise accents.  I just love that pairing together!

The finished product is elegant, sparkly and on trend with the gold theme that's en-vogue for this fall!  And even more special is that it is the PERFECT compliment for my wonderful client.  What other trends are you seeing?


P.S. If you'd like a piece of custom made jewelry designed for yourself or to give as a gift, contact me via my website: or on my Designs by Dawn Marie Facebook page:  I'm happy to work with you to make something really special that can be worn countless times and passed down as your legacy to your children or grandchildren!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

So Many WIP - So Little Time

My motto through college (or should we say my excuse for procrastination) was "I work better under pressure!"  Have you ever said the same thing?

In this case, it really is about many, many projects all going on simultaneously!  I have "online" work that makes my eyes go batty... then I have my commissioned jewelry orders that make my artisan heart go pitter patter.

Because my to do list is thissssssssssssssssssssssssssss long, I'm going to get back to it and leave you with pictures of just 3 of my current projects that I've organized and have ready to start.

Coral, Turquoise and Gold Ensemble

Bold & Festive

Don't call me proud... I'm a peacock!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Win a Designs by Dawn Marie Artisan Jewelry Set in Lake Geneva WI this Weekend

This weekend, the Geneva Lake Women's Association is hosting a grand, gala event in Lake Geneva, WI.  The GLWA organization supports so many good causes and helps so many people in our local area, that I knew I wanted to do something special to give back and they'd put my something special to good use!

GLWA every year gives out a scholarship to a young woman in the area that has been active in her community, done well in her academics and is going on to further her education in order to give back to her community.  As a scholarship recipient when I went off to college, I know just how helpful opportunities like the GLWA scholarship are. 

As part of The Big Easy Jazz Cocktail Cruise, they are having a New Orleans Mardi Gras style event.  To make this event really special it all takes place on the Lady of the Lake - a grand and glorious old boat from the Lake Geneva Cruise Line fleet.  From cocktails and hours d'oeuveres to fantastic music, dancing and legal gaming the entire event culminates with the Venetian Festival boat parade and watching fireworks on the water.  Originally Chris & I were planning on attending the event as it's sure to be a great time, but since Brandi is still healing and we can't leave her alone, I've created something really special as a donation for their auction prizes.

This necklace is called Embrace Your Inner Beauty!

I was inspired to create a piece that speaks to the young women that are applying and receiving the scholarships from the GLWA.  At an age where messages from society are coming at us so fast - where to eat, what to wear, what you should be, who you should hang around with - and our decisions become the foundation for our future, I wanted to showcase being true to yourself.

We're all unique, made special and we all have a gift to share with the world.  The bold colors in this design along with the hint of asymmetry showcase an individual style.  This is for the woman that's not afraid to share her voice with the world.  She's not afraid to be noticed and she's sure to make a difference in the lives she touches. 

At the bottom is a cute little charm that says "Be Yourself" a gentle reminder that who you are is really special.  I hope the woman that wins this necklace (or a smart man who's going to give his wife an awesome gift) continues to share her message with the world.  Follow her heart and make a difference in the lives she touches. 

If you're local and still need to get your tickets to The Big Easy Jazz Cocktail Cruise on Lake Geneva, visit the GLWA website at:  Funny side note, I'm about to publish this blog post and I hear The Morning Blend in the background a featuring this special event!  Serendipity... I think so!

Embrace Your Inner Beauty ... and let your glow be seen!