Friday, March 19, 2010

The Biggest Compliment

The biggest compliment you can get is a special order from family. I'm not joking, when my Grandma (who happens to be very stylish and hip) called me last night asking me to make a custom piece for her long time friend Pat for her birthday, I felt so happy. Grandma saw some pictures of my designs over on our family blog and she knew I would make something special.

So after talking with Grandma we decided on a bracelet and earrings set. Now for the fun part... ahhh, what to make. I have so many wonderful memories of time spent with Grandma (and Pat) growing up. I would get 1 full week of Grandma/Dawn time every summer. As there were 20+ grandkids, this one-on-one time was SUPER special. One of the unique fun things we would do is go flying with Pat. Pat's been a small plane pilot for years and she'd always make a special day when the skies were blue to take Grandma & I up above the world in a little Cesna plane. We'd go somewhere just a few hours away, have a nice lunch and fly home!

I felt really special and I know it meant the world to both Grandma & Pat just seeing the smile on my face. So in memory of all our times flying, I kept thinking "Blue Sky." But the light blue just wasn't perfect... Pat wears bolder colors. So I chose a cobalt blue with the clear beads accenting like clouds accent the sky!

I know my Grandma will be so proud to give this set, and I know Pat will just love it too! Thank you Grandma for letting me help with Pat's present. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and such loyal family friends!

Have a wonderful weekend dear friends~

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