Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sneak Peek - Blogmania Giveaway

I can't tell you how excited I am to be participating in this Friday's Blogmania giveaway.  If you follow me on Twitter, or are a fan on Facebook, then you know just how pumped I am to be sharing all the blog love with visitors from around the world.

Because I know you're all curious, I wanted to give you a sneak peak of the custom designed jewelry I'll be giving away.  So dear jewelry lovers... here's a glimpse into my giveaway.  You'll be able to start here, and follow the links I have to other blogs all participating! :)

All the action starts at midnight this Friday, April 30th.  I personally won't be awake at midnight to start surfing, but I want to make sure my giveaway is up for all to have an opportunity to win.  So for other Blogmania Blogs, I want to share with you how to make a post and schedule it for a specific time if you use Blogger.

How to schedule a future blog post:
1.  Create your post as usual, but don't hit "publish post."
2.  Right below the box you are typing in, you'll see a link to "Post Options."
3.  Click that link and you'll see an option for Post date and Time on the right.
4.  Switch the radio button to "Scheduled at."
5.  Set the post for whatever day & time you want it to publish at.
6.  Hit "Publish Post" and your post will be all set to launch on the day & time you scheduled it for.

So now, you too can sleep on Thursday night and not worry about your visitors not having the Ultimate Blog Experience!

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