Friday, May 28, 2010

Blogmania Update!

Less than 4 months until our 2nd Blogmania Event!  This time around, the stakes have been upped... September 15th -16th is going to be the biggest blogging event of the year!

This event is a two day event!  You can hop from blog to blog and enter to win tens of thousands of dollars of prizes!  Each blog is required to have a minimum of $100 valued giveaway... and some are crazy!  They are offering prize packages valued at over $1,000!  That's right!

While hundreds of blogs are applying to enter Blogmania, the coordinators are reviewing applications and choosing the best blogs to participate.  They must offer family-friendly content, good readership and be willing to share the Blogmania love to get the word about about the event. (i.e. promote the event consistently all summer long online & offline)

As one of the blogs that has been accepted to be a participant, I'm working on creating a massive prize basket.  My theme for the Blogmania Giveaway is "My Favorite Things!"  I'd like to put together a collection of gifts and be able to offer a HUGE prize or several prize collections. 

My online marketing campaign will massively begin over the next week and run all summer long until the event on September 15th and 16th.  I will be promoting my partners, their prizes, websites and blogs as well as the Blogmania event as a whole.  There will be massive traffic generated and getting your website advertised as part of this campaign will be huge for building your business.

Some of the things that fall under my favorite things are:  jewelry, bath salts, homemade soaps, candles, anything for dogs, snuggly things (scarves, slippers, hats, mittens), coffee, gardening items, fitness anything, or anything related to a day at the beach!  Those are just a few ideas of what my favorite things are.

If you wish to partner with me and work together to build a HUGE prize for blogmania, and receive massive new followers and fans all summer long, let me know.  I will be designing some special jewelry just for the fall Blogmania, even better than what I gave away this spring.  Any sponsored items are welcome, whether it's a pair of earrings or handmade beads, a coffee cup or gift card to  We'll all put together an amazing giveaway!

Interested?  Send me an e-mail with the Subject:  Blogmania at  In your e-mail, include:  Your Name, Your Website, Blog or Store, What Prize You Would Like to Contribute, AND a Picture, Logo, or Avatar I can use to promote you!  I'll set it up your avatar/button and the links for where it goes, host the button on my server and do a feature post all about you!  Plus when I launch my new website in late June, you will get free advertising on my website!  In the last month alone, I've had just over 1,000 visitors on my blog!  Would you like me to refer them your direction?  (This will be getting bigger each month this summer as my online marketing campaign hasn't even begun yet!)

I look forward to working with you!  Together Everyone Achieves More!  To follow all the news about Blogmania, check out may page Blogmania on this blog!  Or follow me on Twitter @DesignsbyDawnmd.

Have a wonderful, safe Memorial Day Weekend!


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