Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cotton Candy and Circus Peanuts

Muse: \ˈmyüz\ 1.  the source of an artist's inspiration.  2.  A state of deep thought or dreamy abstraction.

What's your Muse?

For the most part, my muse in my designs is happy things.  Things that make me feel like a kid or things that make me giggle.  My muse often stems from love and the feeling of abundance.  As of late, I've really been addicted to enjoying creating special pieces of jewelry with seed beads.  Bead Embroidery has been an artform I've oogled at online for a long time.  LONG time (like before I even dreamed of designing my own jewelry.)  So now that I'm learning and creating my own pieces I'm constantly feeling bubbly at what my two hands create.  It's almost like having an out of body experience when I see the finished product.

Recently I was inspired by the sound of a calliope that was on a commerical in the background.  That sound made me think of a wonderful experience as a child going to the circus with my family.  I instantly started seeing pink & orange... which also left me feeling very happy.  So I sorted through my stash and just started "playing" with colors & textures.  I created a necklace called "Cotton Candy & Circus Peanuts."  Take a peek this fun piece and a few more in the new youtube video I just uploaded! 

I've been having so much fun!
If you're looking for inspiration or to learn more about bead embroidery jewelry - this is the book that was my "Ah Ha" moment!

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