Sunday, December 18, 2011

Beauty Without Mittens!

This morning I woke up to the most pure, gorgeous blue sky and sunshine.  Yes it was a bit chilly, but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to capture the beauty around me from the dusting of snow we had Friday night.  Sunshine and frost make for beautiful photos AND great inspiration on a grey day (which I'm sure we'll have plenty of in the winter months to come.) 

So here's a few of my snapshots really capturing the beauty of our morning.
See the moon?

It's supposed to be warming up to 40 as the day goes on, so with this sunshine, these beautiful frosted trees will melt off by noon.

My plan for today is to start wrapping Christmas presents.  I have a few orders that will ship tomorrow (Priority so I'm sure they'll arrive at their destination this week) and then I'll be finished with a wonderfully busy holiday of custom orders. 

The Christmas gifts we have purchased have spent the last month socializing with each other on our dining room table.  The beauty of having 4-legged kids is that they can't see up on the table (nor do they care, because our presents don't smell).  So in all honesty, they are safer there where the dogs can't have a festival unwrapping everything when I'm not looking.

But in an effort to be more organized and have less procrastination, I've decided not to wait until Friday to wrap everything.  Have you ever run out of gift tags and had to run to Walmart on the 23rd of December?  I did last year and it wasn't pretty!  So I'm not going to be that woman this year.  I love giving... I love the wrapping of gifts you know are going to put a smile on the face of those receiving them.  I love knowing each gift comes from our hearts and that alone makes it special.  There will be a few HUGE surprises this year that I look forward to seeing. 

Are you Ollie Orangized or Patty Procrastinator this year?  I got two new rolls of wrapping this year (which makes the process so much more fun).  One of which contains pictures of puppies... coincidentally it was purchased because one of those puppies looks just like Bella - imagine that.  LOL

Have a wonderful Sunday and a very blessed Christmas week!

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