Friday, January 27, 2012

This Artisan is Asking for your Help

I am elated and excited to share this bit of news with you.

Yesterday I received an e-mail that one of my jewelry designs I entered in Beadaholique's contest "The Jewels of January" has been selected as one of the top 10 finalists.  I am so excited, and feel so blessed to be chosen.

Now for picking the winner... winners will be chosen by the public.  Voting is open to anybody.  To vote, you have to visit their Facebook Album of entries and click "Like" on the photo you want to vote for.  My Necklace, "The First Snow of the Season" is Entry #2.

Voting is open until Tuesday at 4:00 pm PST and it's a VERY close race.  There are some incredibly talented artists that have been chosen and I feel so fortunate to be included.  Would you consider giving me a "Like?"  And if you really like my design, use the Share Feature under the photo in Facebook to share with your friends.  I really, really appreciate your support!

The link to click directly to the entry photo in Beadaholique's Album is: 

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

You can find Designs by Dawn Marie all over the internet.  She's a bit of a social marketing geek and enjoys connecting with other artists and sharing our love for one-of-a-kind creations!

Designs by Dawn Marie on Facebook
Designs by Dawn Marie on Youtube

Designs by Dawn Marie's Website

Friday, January 20, 2012

Transition 12 - As Dave Hester Says on Storage Wars - Yuuuuup!

Flowers for the Queen, one of my favorite pieces
Yes my dear friends, it appears 2012 is a year of change.  Not just for me, but for many of my friends in the blog world.  These friends are like family to me, yet I've never met them face to face.

As I posted about a week (-ish) ago, we're moving.  I'm so happy to report we've found a great place to call home for the next few years.  It's close to Chris' work, it had an awesome great room, perfect for hosting our families for gatherings and I will have an awesome, Southern exposure jewelry studio!!!  Oh Yeah!!!!!!  And that my friends is so exciting!  Right now I'm sorting and "preparing" to pack.  Keep It, Store It, Donate It!  If I haven't worn it in the last year, it's donate it (except for my formal gowns because I haven't had an excuse to wear them in the last 12 months, but hey, maybe 2012 will be a year of fancy balls or maybe Will & Kate will invite me to England to tea?)  Hey it could happen.... Kate might really like Designs by Dawn Marie jewelry!

So while preparing to pack (because I'm the best procrastinator in the whole wide world) I'm enjoying the cleansing process and can't wait to be in our new place.  Can someone just fast forward past the heavy lifting part for me?

While my move is only 7 miles (woo hoo, I know big move) I have two great friends moving across the freakin' country!  Now THAT is a big move.  One friend is moving from Alabama to Oregon because the beach called and she picked up the phone!  Another friend is moving from Texas to Alaska.... in the winter... now that just might be crazy. 

So while I become the queen of cardboard, and transition into a new place, new studio, new opportunities, I want to know what transition you're in?  I recently read (and still read) a great book co-authored by a dear friend of mine, Kathy Stover.  The book is called Smart Women Live Their Why and it's a book written by women from all walks of life.  Each shares their story about living with passion and purpose.  So whether you read one chapter, or drink a pot of coffee and enjoy the whole book, it will surely inspire you!  It's just now available on Amazon or you can visit my friend Kathy's blog to purchase the book.  FYI, she only has 15 autographed copies left then she's out!

So if you are looking for inspiration, or facing a transition... let this book be your rock!  I've picked it up so many times, read a chapter or two and come away feeling totally motivated!

Hope your day is inspired!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Very Special Grandmothers Jewelry

Over Christmas, I had another custom order that really was near and dear to my heart.  I received a phone call from a husband that really wanted to surprise his wife for Christmas.  This year his family grew by 3 new grandbabies!  Can you imagine 3 new babies in one year?  Oh my babbling smiles....

What he wanted created was something that showcased each of the grandchildren's birthstones.  I was given creative liberty to do whatever my artisan heart wanted.

I created a necklace and bracelet set.  In the bracelet, I used each of the grandchildren's birthstones, separated by spacers into family lineage.  So their grandchildren are from 4 different daughters' families and I grouped the grandchildren within their family.

The necklace I created was even more special.  I wanted to incorporate all of their children along with the grandchildren.  They have 6 daughters, and 1 son which was stillborn.  So I also wanted to honor his memory in the necklace.

I created what I'm calling my waterfall style necklace.  The round crystals represent each of their daughters.  The smaller crystals that I have cascading down represent the children born to each of their mothers.  Again keeping the daughter's families linked together.

To represent the son that passed away, I used a different shape and finish crystal, and put it as a link further up on the necklace.  Staying close to his mama's heart, this little angel boy will always be with her.

The reaction to receiving such a special, one-of-a-kind gift was priceless I'm told.  There were tears, emotions and it created a truly special Christmas.  After Christmas I was asked if I can also add the son-in-law's birthstones as well to the necklace.  So I'm adding those as well, but don't have photos.

When I finish a custom order, I always want the customer to see it and approve of the design before I ship it.  In this case, the husband did not have access to e-mail.  So, I took digital photos, uploaded them to Walgreens' website, then sent them to the Walgreens store right by his work.  It was great for him to see the jewelry in color so he could approve of the own design.  This is the perfect solution for a customer with limited internet or e-mail access!

The best part about this necklace is that as either of their other daughters marry, or more grandchildren are born, I intentionally made it so we could add on.  So as the family grows, so to does the Grandmother's Necklace. 

I'm truly honored that I was asked to create such a special piece of custom beaded jewelry.  It really touched my heart and I know it was a Christmas that this family will forever remember!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Updates from my little corner of the world

Have no fear SUPER Dawn is here!  Seriously I think I need the cape... it would make me so much more super!  In case you live in a warmer, more tropical paradise and haven't heard, they are predicting that white powdery stuff in grand scale over the next 48 hours here in SE Wisconsin.  My little Bella, oh what a site she will be since they are saying 4-8" and she's about 7" tall.  No worries, I have the camera batteries changed and ready to shoot!

I've been a bit quiet for the last few weeks because life just got a bit crazy.  We're at the point where it's time to move...  we were planning on doing this late in the spring or early summer.  But life is not a straight line and we just were handed a little detour!  :o)  So the time is now to find a place and let the adventure and next chapter begin. I know, packing, moving, unpacking, getting settled - I'm sure you're just booking that plane ticket to join in the party - NOT!  LOL  But it's part of life.  So while I do the worrying, I hope you'll continue to be creative and share your designs so I can live vicariously through you. 

My studio will need to be packed, and while it's the last thing I'm planning on packing and the first I'm unpacking... my time will need to be spent sorting, organizing, packing, storing, etc. the rest of our lives.  So the creating on my end will be sporatic, but I promise to share as often as I can.

So bear with me, please and share your beautiful designs!  You're welcome to share on my Designs by Dawn Marie Facebook wall as I would love to share your gorgeous work with my fans.  I try to bring sunshine to someone everyday, but while mama's busy with life, I could use a few extra helpers spreading the love! ;)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Funny Friday - Knee Slapping Belly Laughing Funny - I promise

So far this week I've managed to fight a bug, lose a day and get a whole lot of laundry done.  So in lieu of my missing 24 hours (honestly, I thought yesterday was Wednesday... all day.)  My computer calendar actually had to prove me wrong.  So today I thought we all need a good laugh.

Here's my disclaimer on the following video:  *It's British humor.

That being said, here's the video.  My sweetie was doing a training for his sales agents yesterday (which I thought was odd for a Wednesday - because it was really Thursday.)  He wanted enlighten his agents and help them start of 2012 on the right foot.  So a video about teamwork seemed most appropriate.  And since I really appreciate the teamwork in a recent custom jewelry order, I thought this would be appropriate here too!  So enjoy... TEAMWORK!

Since I also mentioned that we are now in 2012, and I've heard and read a lot of "stuff" about the world ending in 2012... here's another funny!  I bet the cavemen are rolling over in their tombs/graves laughing right about NOW!  LOL

Hope your Friday is Freakin Hilarious!  Remember, laughter IS the best medicine!
Have a fantastic weekend! {Hugs!}


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Super Christmas Present Surprises REVEALED

I am so excited to finally be able to share this with you.  Do you know how hard it is to keep my mouth closed in lieu of ruining a Christmas surprise?  Honestly, in this day an age of everything being online and digital... I couldn't post a picture of this anywhere for fear somebody from the recipient's family might per chance see it, and mention something about it that would then spoil a huge surprise.

So now that Christmas is over, I can finally share this with you. 

This piece was made as a custom order.  A 77 year old man knows how much his wife loves Designs by Dawn Marie jewelry.  So while she was at an appointment, he made a phone call.  He wanted something that his wife would just adore.  His wife has a very tender loving heart for all things related to animals.  Especially supporting those charities that help protect the animals.  One of her most beloved charities is in support of Grey Wolves.

My instructions from this distinguished gentleman were create whatever you want so that it represents his wife.  That's it... blank slate and away my creative heart did dream.  I started 2 different necklaces and then had my "ah ha" artisan moment!  From there, all the pieces came together in beautiful fashion.  The pendant whipped up to perfection.

But what to do about the necklace... I was tossing around a couple of ideas.  I just couldn't decide, so I asked my dear friend Kristen for her opinion.  I wanted something that would compliment the pendant, but not overpower it.  If I could pull the grey from the coloring of the wolf, it would really "set" the photo perfectly.  So I was contemplating some sort of a woven chain like a russian spiral, or a wire-wrapped link chain style necklace... but neither were really doing it for me.
Click for larger photo

Along comes Ms. Perfectly Pearl... who loves all things pearls.  She says to me, "Why don't you do pearls?"  OMG, grill me a hotdog and cover it in bacon!!!  Yes, pearls... and I have the PERFECT silver pearls to compliment the grey wolf!

I'm so happy I reached out for an opinion.  It just shows that a second set of eyes, especially eyes that have an artistic flair are really, really helpful.  And that my friends is how we as artists all help each other!

So I ask you, have you been able to help someone have an "Ah ha!" moment like my dear friend Kristen helped me?  My goal in 2012 is to extend my hand and reach more people in a service manner.  Spread love and joy!
