Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Updates from my little corner of the world

Have no fear SUPER Dawn is here!  Seriously I think I need the cape... it would make me so much more super!  In case you live in a warmer, more tropical paradise and haven't heard, they are predicting that white powdery stuff in grand scale over the next 48 hours here in SE Wisconsin.  My little Bella, oh what a site she will be since they are saying 4-8" and she's about 7" tall.  No worries, I have the camera batteries changed and ready to shoot!

I've been a bit quiet for the last few weeks because life just got a bit crazy.  We're at the point where it's time to move...  we were planning on doing this late in the spring or early summer.  But life is not a straight line and we just were handed a little detour!  :o)  So the time is now to find a place and let the adventure and next chapter begin. I know, packing, moving, unpacking, getting settled - I'm sure you're just booking that plane ticket to join in the party - NOT!  LOL  But it's part of life.  So while I do the worrying, I hope you'll continue to be creative and share your designs so I can live vicariously through you. 

My studio will need to be packed, and while it's the last thing I'm planning on packing and the first I'm unpacking... my time will need to be spent sorting, organizing, packing, storing, etc. the rest of our lives.  So the creating on my end will be sporatic, but I promise to share as often as I can.

So bear with me, please and share your beautiful designs!  You're welcome to share on my Designs by Dawn Marie Facebook wall as I would love to share your gorgeous work with my fans.  I try to bring sunshine to someone everyday, but while mama's busy with life, I could use a few extra helpers spreading the love! ;)

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