Monday, September 5, 2011

Celebrating Labor Day even though I haven't birthed children.

So many meanings of the word Labor... some of which I've done... others,!  As we celebrate the "worky" variety of labor today, I just had to share this with you.  I saw a funny on a friend's Facebook wall and I'm still laughing.  It's so very true and is definitely how I was raise - Woot for my mom & dad!!

"BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1 (800) waa-waa...a. This is Dr. Sniffle reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'. Suck it up cupcake, Life doesn't revolve around you...this is the thought I used to raise my kids just like I was raised."

Having a 3 day weekend has been wonderful!  We have been tag-teaming sitting on... err, uhhh, I mean babysitting our oldest dog making sure he doesn't jump, run, or do anything that could further injure his leg.  Give him a little anti-inflammatory and he's feeling like he's a puppy again.  Alas, he IS a full time job!

I've gotten a bit of beading done and that has been just blissful!  We were also able to break away for a few hours last night by crating our big boy so we could enjoy our county fair.  Last one of the season, and the elephant ears never get old.  Along with the corn dogs, cheese on a stick, cream puffs, frozen bananas and eclairs.... :o)  Thank goodness the fair isn't here all year long.  LOL

If you haven't yet entered my Freebie Friday Giveaway for some great lampwork glass earrings, check it out!  You have to play to win!!!

Cody - the patient with ice on his leg Bella - the nursemaid
Hope you are enjoying a day off from Labor today... unless of course you're in Labor today, then by all means, continue on.  Little one wouldn't want you to wait! ;)

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