Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Odyssey of the Odyssey and The Trip to the Big City

Yesterday, I told a small tale on Facebook, but for those that haven't requested to be my friend yet, it's okay.  I still love you and I will still tell you the tale...

Here's The Odyssey of The Honda Odyssey and The Trip to the Big City...

Monday, yes, Monday's always come way too soon as weekends are glorious and wonderful.  This Monday found me leaving home before the roosters woke up.  YES, that early.  Since I have a "no make-up before sun up" policy, I tossed it in the bag and away I did go.

Where?  Over the river and through the woods to mama's house I go... (you can sing the rest, I don't mind.)

I was taking my mom up to Brookfield (a burb of Milwaukee) for a medical treatment.  The treatment was to last 4 hours and I couldn't go into the facility because of their patient privacy policy.  I get it, but that gave me 4 hours (since I was an hour from home) to figure out what to do with myself.

My first thought was - wow, no pups needing potty breaks, tip back the seat and enjoy the silence, maybe a little nap, maybe?!?!  5 minutes later, that's good, now the sun's up, I suppose I better address that make-up situation before anybody sees me.  Check... 10 minutes in I still have 3 hours and 50 minutes of self-induced fun!

But what I'm most proud of accomplishing while waiting for my mom is my invention of the Dashboard Pedicure!  Let me tell you, if Billy Mays were still here on this earth, he would have been knocking on my van window to put me on an infomercial!  Seriously... well maybe not that seriously. 

Yes, the toes needed some attention.  Yes, we're headed into fall.  And yes, we're wearing boots.  BUT who doesn't love a day of flip flops out of the blue?  I DO!!!  Thus, needing to re-do the toes in grand style. 

As you can see, I had all the essentials; Coffee (lots of it), Water (both in recycled cups/bottles), base coat and pretty color.  I had toe separators and nail polish remover (not shown in photo) to keep everything on the professional level!

I even had a built in air dryer!  Turn the key of the van, set the fan to blow on the floor, turn that baby up and you are dry in no time at all!

The end result - pretty toes in a great autumnal burgandy shade - PRICELESS.

For those still asking about what happened with my mom, she was so very proud of my Dashboard Pedicure.  Oh, not that question??  Hmmm, yes she's doing great.  This procedure while it took a while was pretty laid back.  She's feeling great and hoping for amazing results for her arthritis! 

Updates on the jewelry front, I've been working like a crazy woman with beads and needles and wire and thread.  I have some amazing finished pieces, but haven't had the time during the right light to capture them on "film."  I'll get photos soon though and can't wait to share with you what I've been up to in the bead studio!

Hope your week is fan-dang-u-lous! I dare you, go sit in your car/van/motorcycle?!?! and give yourself a dashboard pedicure.  I want to see pictures - especially if you are on a motorcycle!  You would totally rock!

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